Sunday, April 8, 2007

Weblog Assignment#2

Tornado FAQ's

We can find a lot of information about tornados at this site. Tornados can appear from any direction, they move from southwest to northwest, or west to east. Tornados can last from several seconds to more than an hour. About one thousand tornadoes hit the U.S. yearly, and about 60 people were killed by tornados per year, on average. The tornado season in the U.S. is from late winter through mid summer. This site provide very detailed information about tornados.

My opinion:
Before I came to America, I have watched tornado news on TV. I know that tornados can destroy houses, pick up objects and carry them for miles. In Taiwan, there are many typhoons during every summer. Typhoons also can destroy houses and cause great damage. Typhoons are common in Taiwan, so I don’t afraid of them. Sometimes we can get a holiday because of typhoons. There is no tornado in Taiwan, so when I heard the tornado warning at first time, I was scared. Now I know much knowledge about tornados, so I think that I will not scared next time.

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